Monday, July 28, 2014

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? (7/28/2014) #IMWAYR

Hosted by: Sheila @ Book Journey

To participate go here.


I got a new used car - my first from a dealership.  And work is going crazy, with many, many staffing changes plus it being summer.  My dad is doing poorly, though I mostly try to tune that part of things out.  Ah, life.

Since my last Monday post, I've been reading:
(Click on the cover to go to my post on the book)

Currently Reading:

TBD.  I am currently between books.

What have you been reading?


  1. I hope your Dad recovers soon. Love Hearne, must put his latest Atticus adventure on order!

    Have a great week

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

    1. Thanks. And the Atticus adventures are great.

  2. I'm sorry your Dad isn't doing well. I hope he starts improving soon!

    Your books all look great. Enjoy!

    Have a great week!


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