Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Broken

Title: The Broken

Author: Shelley Coriell [Website][Twitter][Facebook]

Publisher: Grand Central Romantic Suspense (Forever)

Series: Apostles, Bk 1

ISBN: 9781455528493

Length: 375 pages

Obtained: Free at ALA "Isn't it Romantic?" panel program

Why this book?:

I've been intrigued and wanting to read it since I heard the author talk, not only about the main plot, but also about how she first had the idea and came up with the story.


I used to read a lot more romantic suspense than I do these days, but I still enjoy it.  The Broken was no exception.  I quickly read through the story.  (During which time I creased the front cover of my signed copy.  I accidentally sat on it when I took it to the parade - like I was going to have a chance to read there.  Grrr.  But I couldn't leave it behind just in case.)

I liked the heroine (Kate), the hero (Hayden), and of course Smokey Joe (whose character was all the better from hearing how he was inspired by the author's father!).  The butcher was horrible, and I wasn't sure how the story would work when the heroine said she knew who it was so early on in the story, but it did work.  I had some pretty conflicting thoughts about Kate's family.  Wow.

Anyway, I was happy about the HEA.  I've already put requests in for the next two books in the series and look forward to reading them.  (I also requested this one since we don't already have it.)

Interview/Chat with Shelley Coriell:

Click here to watch. (I couldn't get the video to play properly on here.)  (Apparently this only works on some browsers.)  This video includes the inspirational story I mentioned.

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