Title: Closet Confidential
Author: Mary Jane Maffini [Website]
Publisher: Berkley Prime Crime Mystery
Series: Charlotte Adams Mystery, Bk 4
ISBN: 9780425235645
Length: 290 pages
Obtained: Personal copy via paperbackswap.com
Why this book?:
I was browsing my shelves for a book with a Canadian author to go towards finishing the 7th annual Canadian Book Challenge at The Book Mine Set. I read books 1 - 3 in this series in June 2009 (Unfortunately, and reviews I did back then are lost).
I don't remember much about the first three books in this series - just that I liked them. But in this one Charlotte rents the upper floor of a house from her good friend Jack. She has two spoiled little dachshunds.
She works as a professional organizer and has two jobs to help with closet organization. One for a lovely lady on a very tight budget of $100. The other for a very wealthy lady and a long-time "frenemy" of her mother's. This second client has 7+ closets, her daughter recently dies, and this project is supposed to distract her from her grief. But the client believes her daughter's death was not an accident and seems incapable of focusing on an organization project.
So here comes Charlotte, looking for proof that the death was indeed an accident - and butting in where the police, and her friends, and pretty much everyone who knows her would rather she not become involved.
I enjoyed this story (despite the rather dry summary above...sorry 'bout that) and will soon be reading the 5th and final book in the series, The Busy Woman's Guide to Murder.
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