Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Dust AND Tribes

Title: Dust

Author: Arthur Slade [Website][Website Bio 2][Facebook][Twitter]

Publisher: Wendy Lamb Books

ISBN: 0385730047

Length: 183 pages

Obtained: Libray copy

Why this book?:

I searched Amazon for Books by Canadian authors and Arthur Slade's books came up.  This is one that my library has.


I didn't know what to expect of this book.  It is set in the Depression-era, when drought is overtaking the land and 5 cents is a big deal.  Robert's little brother Matthew goes missing.  At first his parents are devastated, but someone new comes to town and suddenly its seems most of the adults in town are not themselves.  Robert knows something isn't right, but what can one 11 year old boy do?

This story had a very mystical sort of twist that I did not expect.  And the title means so much more than I first realized.  I did enjoy the story - I certainly breezed through it - but it was very strange.

In some ways it was difficult to wrap my head around.

Title: Tribes

Author: Arthur Slade [Website][Website Bio 2][Facebook][Twitter]

Publisher: Wendy Lamb Books

ISBN: 0385730039

Length: 134 pages

Obtained: Library copy

Why this book?:

For the same reason as Dust.  I found it for the 7th annual Canadian Book Challenge.


I read this while away at the ALA annual conference.  I finished it on the plane home.  It was short and bizarre.  I did know going in that the main character (Percy) considered the various cliques to be "tribes."  But I did not realize Percy's character would be so... different.  And perhaps I should have guessed the end sooner, bu I didn't.

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