Monday, August 22, 2016

Dark Carousel

Title: Dark Carousel

Author: Christine Feehan [Website][Facebook][Twitter]

Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group

Series: Dark or Carpathian, Bk 30

ISBN: 9780698197763

Obtained: Library ebook copy
Why this book?:

When I was clearing out recently, I decided I no longer need to hold onto all my Christine Feehan books in this series.  I kept the few I thought I might re-read or that I thought I might miss.  I re-read some in the process of deciding (though I failed to keep track because there was generally immense chunks I skipped over - then I never feel it really counts as reading the book).  I also made some effort to catch up with the series.  So I've read library copies (in print and/or ebook) of all the books between the last one I blogged about (Dark Slayer) to this one, with the exception of Dark Crime, which I still need to get to.  I skip the sex scenes (even when they are pages long), so I can't comment on that aspect.  But as for the rest...


I liked Tariq.  Sometimes I feel like Feehan's heroes are way too domineering and for me to enjoy the story or really believe they care about the heroine.  Since these all fall within the Romance genre, that's a big deal.  Tariq was one that I was good with.  And I loved the children in this book, though of course their background was tragic and abominable.  I kind of zipped though this, and not just because I was skipping parts.  I was eager to see everything resolved and this couple relatively settled.

I did feel like I was missing some story, and I guess that is because Dark Crime (the one book in this series I haven't read) is intricately linked to this one.  I also need publication of the next book, because while there was something of an ending to the story, the overall story arc for several of the side characters - including both good and bad guys - is not complete.

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