Title: Loot: How To Steal a Fortune
Author: Jude Watson [Website] aka Judy Blundell [Website][Facebook][Twitter]
Publisher: Scholastic Press
ISBN: 9780545468022
Length: 266 pages
Obtained: Library copy
Why this book:
It features thieves, and I love books about thieves.
It was okay, but not as good as I had hoped when I read the blurb and requested the library purchase it.

A friend asked me to be in her wedding. While we were discussing old times, she asked if I still read Christine Feehan (an author I introduced her to)'s books. I said I hadn't in a while.
But afterwards I suddenly felt like catching up on this particular series. So I read all that have been published to date. I'll indicate if it was a re-read or new to me next to the title.
1. Shadow Game (re-read)
2. Mind Game (re-read)
3. Night Game (re-read)
4. Conspiracy Game (re-read)
5. Deadly Game (re-read)
6. Predatory Game (re-read)
7. Murder Game (re-read)
8. Street Game (re-read ... I think)
9. Ruthless Game (new-to-me)
10. Samurai Game (new-to-me)
11. Viper Game (new-to-me)
These seem to be focusing more and more on sex. I guess I should expect that, but it was annoying because I was skipping chunks of pages looking for the story toward the end of the series. But I am still interested in reading more, so we'll see how it goes with future books.
Title: An Early Wake
Author: Sheila Connolly [Website][Facebook] aka Sarah Atwell [Berkley Prime Crime]
Publisher: Berkley Prime Crime Mystery
Series: County Cork Mystery, Bk 3
ISBN: 9780425252536
Length: 291 pages
Obtained: Library copy
Why this book?:
I've been enjoying this series and author.
Offered an interesting look into Irish musical history. I enjoyed the overall story, but there were some inconsistencies that frustrated me beyond belief. I had to keep setting the book down and distracting myself from whatever inconsistency before I moved on.
Nora Roberts [Website][Website 2][Facebook] re-reading and catch-up and all new...

Title: Brazen Virtue (re-read)
Follows Sacred Sins. I've re-read this before and know and like the story. But this time I saw it with fresh eyes. Oh, technology. How it does date books so. I was 4 yo when this book was published.

The Sign of Seven Trilogy (new-to me ; catch-up)
Blood Brothers
The Hollow
The Pagan Stone
I had some trouble with picking these up when they came out years ago (even though I do own all of them). Once I actually started I found myself caught up. The books were interesting, and I liked the characters.

The Circle Trilogy (new-to-me ; catch-up)
Morrigan's Cross
Dance of the Gods
Valley of Silence
If I was going to catch-up on some unread trilogies, I may as well go all the way. I was apparently in the right frame of mind for vampires now (that is, initially, why I never read this series). I breezed through the series; I especially looked forward to the vampire's story in the 3rd book of the trilogy.

Title: The Liar (new)
Publisher: G.P. Putnam's Sons
ISBN: 9780399170867
Length: 501 pages
Obtained: Library copy
Why this book?:
It's the newest Nora Roberts.
It was pretty interesting: 1) the look at verbal abuse and its spiraling effect, 2) how one falls into the web of a master con-man, 3) how someone can pick themselves back up.
Shelby did seem to go from being shamed (courtesy of lies of an abuser) to proud (she had to do all the financial pick-up herself... no bankruptcy etc. for her). But I still liked her. And Griffin was pretty good too. I did figure certain key aspects out way before any of the characters in the book. Maybe because I've seen it in other books/movies before. And I'll say no more lest I give something away.
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