Thursday, December 4, 2014

Heart Fire

Title: Heart Fire

Author: Robin D. Owens [Website][Facebook][Twitter]

Publisher: Berkeley Sensation

Series: Celta Heartmates, Bk 13

ISBN: 9780425263952

Length: 355 pages

Obtained: Library copy

Why this book?:

I requested the library buy it as soon as I knew it was coming.


This is Antenn Blackthorn-Moss's story.  It's going to take me a bit to adjust to this younger generation growing up, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy their stories.  And I did enjoy this one.  Except.  I did not feel the same moment of wrenching emotion that I have with the previous Celta books.  Oh, don't get me wrong.  Robin D. Owens is one of my favorite authors, and I quickly read this just like her other books.  But I didn't have that moment where I'm just sobbing.

Anyway, Antenn is all grown up.  He's trying to get the job the will make his career and name in architecture.  But the job is for a controversial religious group, so a "priestess" from the mainstream religion is assigned to smooth things out and keep it all copacetic.  But she has her own name, and career on line.  Not to mention quite a bit of family and emotional stuff to keep wrapped up.

Great characters, nice story.  Awesome setting and a chance to revisit some past characters.  I cannot wait to read the next book in the series.  I believe it is to be titled Heart Legacy (unless I misunderstood).

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