Friday, December 5, 2014

A Crafty Killing

Title: A Crafty Killing

Author: Lorraine Bartlett [Website][Facebook][Twitter] aka Lorna Barrett [Website][Facebook][Twitter] aka L. L. Bartlett [Website][Facebook][Twitter]

Publisher: Berkley Prime Crime Mystery

Series: Victoria Square Mystery, Bk 1

ISBN: 9780425239858


Obtained: Personal copy.  I'm not sure now where I got it, but I'm guessing

Why this book?:

I've wanted to read this series for ages, but I actually picked up and started reading this book out of literally boxes of books (I've been moving them from one floor of the house to another) on a whim.


What took me so long?  I was hooked from the moment I started.  I liked the main character, Katie.  I liked the set-up.  I liked seeing the major overhaul that Katie was starting both at the Artisan's Alley and the whole Victoria Square.  I liked that the characters weren't all you saw from first impressions (and that was true for multiple characters).  In other words, there were many likes.  I did suspect the murderer, but that doesn't bother me as long as it's not too obvious. 

Overall this is just a great cozy mystery.  The kind that gives the subgenre its name.  I look forward to reading more of the series.  I know I have a couple more to catch up on.

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