Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Title: Nightshifted

Author: Cassie Alexander [Website][Twitter][Facebook] aka Erin Cashier [Website][Author Page]

Publisher: St. Martin's Paperbacks

Series: Edie Spence, Bk 1

ISBN: 9780312553395

Length: 331 pages

Obtained: Library ILL copy (apparently my local library's copy is boxed up somewhere)

Why this book?:

The author was listed on fantasticfiction.co.uk's "Visitors to this page also looked at these authors" list for ... someone.  I can't remember who but someone in the Fantasy/Paranormal realm of things.


For the most part I enjoyed this book.  Not so much the sex stuff, but the rest was fine.  I love the concept.  There was a bit much going on, but I was rooting for Edie anyway.

Edie's a nurse.  But she's not just any nurse.  She's a nurse on the secret floor for those in the paranormal world needing medical attention.  Vampires, werewolves, zombies, oh my!  She accidentally causes the death of a "daytimer" (blood donor for a vampire(s)).  Before that he asks her to help him with his quest.  So off she goes to do what he could not, only to get herself into a load of trouble.  How can she get out of it and make things right?

I plan on continuing with the series.  I want to see where it goes (although I'm angry at myself for reading a blurb of a future book and spoiling things for myself already!).

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