Title: Ghost Layer
Author: Robin D. Owens [Website][Facebook][Twitter]
Publisher: Berkley Sensational Paranormal Romance
Series: Ghost Seer, Bk 2
ISBN: 9780425268919
Length: 291 pages
Obtained: Library copy
Why this book?:
I requested the library purchase it as soon as I saw it was coming. I enjoyed the first book in the series. And Robin D. Owens is one of my favorite authors.
I had forgotten quite a bit about the romance aspect of the first book, but I remembered Clare and her ghost dog Enzo, and the major ghost of Ghost Seer, Jack Slade. It's kind of unfortunate that his ancestor had made more of a lasting impact than the hero, Zach Slade, did. But I quickly remembered him as I read. And I do like him (as well as Clare and Enzo).
This time Clare has been hired to take care of a ghost prospector who is leaving less than desirable presents in the bed of a multimillionaire's lady guests. The multimillionaire in question is a jerk, but Clare needs to help her ghosts - for their sake and hers. So she pushes on, despite not only the negative attitudes, but also the danger as someone obviously doesn't want her poking into history. But what could anyone have against solving the murder of a ghost 100+ years dead?
I read this quickly (considering my distastefully slow reading schedule these days), and I look forward to seeing more of Clare, Zach, and Enzo in the 3rd book, Ghost Killer, due out in February.
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