Title: Grimm, Volume One: The Coins of Zakynthos
Author: Jim Kouf [IMDb][Grimm Wiki] & David Greenwalt [IMDb][Grimm Wiki] (Plot); Marc Gaffen [IMDb][Grimm Wiki] & Kyle McVey [IMDb][Grimm Wiki][Twitter](Script); José Malaga [Glass House Graphics][LinkedIn](Art); Thiago Dal Bello [Glass House Graphics] (Colors); Marshall Dillon [Website][Google+] (Letters)
Publisher: DYNAMITE
Series: Grimm, Volume 1 (Consisting of Issues 0-5)
ISBN: 9781606904503
Length: 112 (Includes Cover Gallery)
Obtained: Library copy
Why this book?:
I requested the library purchase it as soon as I saw it was coming out. I just love Grimm.
The Coins of Zakynthos have been rediscovered and gathered by Nick and his mom, Kelly. Kelly goes to destroy them, but not all goes as planned. It starts from
the TV show, but apparently goes beyond that (though I don't remember all the
details from the show...my memory doesn't work that way). It took me a
bit to get used to the constant recaps, since this is actually 6
separate issues put together (and I'm new to this - comic books and
bound volumes, etc.). But once I had I was quickly involved in the
story. Some things I found interesting:
The gore in the comic seemed much more shocking than any of the gore I
saw on the show. I don't know if it was the format or some other factor that created
that impression.
Monroe looked like Monroe. Kelly and Hank mostly looked like Kelly and
Hank (with occasional exceptions). But Nick hardly seemed to resemble
Nick from the show at all, IMO.
Anyway, I've already requested the second Grimm, Volume 2: Bloodlines (containing issues 6-12). I look forward to that. And in the meantime, the 3rd novel, The Killing Time by Tim Waggoner just came in for me and season 4 of Grimm begins Oct. 24th!!! So I'm all set.
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