Monday, August 6, 2012

Seal Team Six: Memoirs of an Elite Navy Seal Sniper

Title: SEAL Team Six: Memoirs of an Elite Navy SEAL Sniper

Author: Howard E. Wasdin & Stephen Templin; Read by Ray Porter

Publisher: Blackstone Audio (Print: St. Martin's)

ISBN: 9781441786326

Length: 9 1/2 hrs

Obtained: Library copy


I was checking some audiobooks in, and this happened to be one of them.  I paused long enough to start reading the back blurb, then set it aside to look at later.  Soon, I found myself deciding I'd like to try it.  When I first started listening I was unsure.  He was just... such a guy.  I think it was more the actual writing than the way Ray Porter read it too.  I'm sure I'm explaining it poorly, but it made connecting difficult.  Anyway, I adjusted quickly enough.  Pretty much once he went back to his childhood and background.

Anyway, parts of the book were funny; parts were shocking (I don't remember what it was but I actually gasped and covered my mouth while listening to one part).  And still other parts were a string of jargon I'm just not gonna understand (types of weapons and ammo, etc.).  Some of the political insight was interesting because I was still a child at the time and didn't really understand what was going on.  Like I remember seeing something on the news about the Gulf War before we went out one evening.  The bits about his training was definitely interesting.  Now I'm curious to try some other books about the military.

It seems Howard Wasdin and Stephen Templin also have a YA version of this called I Am a SEAL Team Six Warrior Memoirs of an American Soldier.  And more recently they've written a fiction book called SEAL Team Six Outcasts.

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