Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Operation: TBR Reduction ... Check-in #1 (July 2012)

So this concludes my first month working on Operation: TBR Reduction.  I believe a report is due.

I still have some work to do with finding some rhythm and adjusting the rules to fit my situation.

For instance, in addition to library books not counting, keeper re-reads can't count.  If it's not leaving the house....

Another point.  Do I have to actually READ the books?  Or does giving them up count?  I just sold several books in a yard sale.  Most were already set aside for this purpose prior to accepting this challenge.  Those certainly don't count.  But I added some more this month.  The dilemma is that I didn't read most of those additions. Do they count?

And third.  I have to actually track this stuff!!!  I didn't write down how many books came in or were read.  I am sure, though, that I read more qualifying books than I brought in.  Mostly because I think I only brought in maybe one book.

The point of all this rambling is that I have areas to improve on for next month.  But I believe I slipped by with a passing grade in  Operation: TBR Reduction for the month of July 2012.


  1. I am really trying. I don't go to the library anymore! I do give away books and sell them. I seem to be in a neighborhood of non-readers. I had a garage sale and only one woman and one child wanted them and I had set them at free!
    The good news is that I am down 6 books!. I keep track of my books on a spreadsheet so I can count the ones that I no longer have by the holes.

    1. That's great. I lucked out with my sale. I had a couple big readers (one lady bought 57 books, another bought 50).

      The spreadsheet is a good idea. I certainly need to figure out something.

  2. I'm not part of this challenge, so I have no clue of the rules, so I'm strictly going on common sense here. I'd think to reduce is the key and therefore it wouldn't matter how the books left, read or un-read, just as long as the pile or piles are being reduced. And you did an awesome there!

    1. The rules say read, but I figure you're right. If my end goal is cutting back... I have to many to actually cut them all by reading.

      And of course another part is lessing how many I bring in. That's actually easier for me since I can't AFFORD to bring them in like I used to. Well...I couldn't afford to then either, but hadn't realized it yet.

  3. Well the rules say read because I don't give away books without reading them first so it was a personal rule. If you're comfortable doing that though, you are still reducing. :)

    I use GoodReads to track everything I do regarding my books. I swear it is the only thing that keeps me sane!

    1. Thanks for the confirmation. =) That makes things easier for me... mostly. Except when it comes to tracking.

      As for GoodReads - I haven't tried in awhile so maybe this has changed, but it used to be you couldn't have a profile without exposing your zip code/city. But I have accounts with Shelfari and LibraryThing, so all I'd need to do is remember how to log in and either of them would probably work.

  4. Well the rules say read because I don't let books out of my house without reading them first so it's a personal rule. If you are comfortable doing this, you are still reducing I would say it counts. :)


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