Thursday, January 12, 2012

White House Chef and Manor House Mysteries + Book Launch Experience

State of the Onion by Julie Hyzy (personal copy obtained through Paperbackswap years ago) - I really enjoyed this.  My first thought once I read it was, "What took so long? No wonder it won awards."

Hail to the Chef by Julie Hyzy (personal copy obtained through Paperbackswap) - I enjoyed this one too.  I was glad to find that Ollie was still such a great character.

Eggsecutive Orders  by Julie Hyzy (purchased during Borders closing sale) - Gasp! She wasn't in the kitchen half the book!  It's nice getting some more detail on Bucky, I feel so/so about Ollie's mom, and Tom has become annoying.  If you can't tell by the title and cover this one takes place around Easter.  Overall, I enjoyed the story.

Buffalo West Wing by Julie Hyzy (purchased at B&N with gift card from Christmas) - Go Ollie! You stick to our guns.  Really enjoying this series and eager to meet Julie Hyzy.

Affairs of Steak by Julie Hyzy (purchased at book launch) - It was interesting to see Ollie work with someone she didn't care for.  She seems to have developed her tact.  And I have to say, I'm happy for how things seem to be moving in her personal life, even as her professional life still has some bumps.

Grace Under Pressure by Julie Hyzy (autographed gift from author with  2010 Halloween giveaway prize) - I actually started this before Buffalo West Wing and finished after he launch Saturday.  It took me longer to get into than the White House Chef series, but I still enjoyed it once I did get into it.  Grace seems to have a calmer pace than Ollie.

Grace Interrupted by Julie Hyzy (purchased at B&N with gift card from Christmas) - I liked Grace better once I was out of the Ollie craze.  The look into Civil War re-enacting was interesting.  I have to say I like Grace's assistant, Frances, even if she can be difficult.

Reading Mania and a Book Launch Party...

Over a week and a half I went on a bit of a Julie Hyzy reading spree.  I wanted to go to her book launch/chat this past Saturday, but I had only read her Artistic License before.  Fortunately, I already had most of the White House Chef and the first Manor book on hand.  So I got busy. The night before the signing I realized I didn't own Buffalo West Wing so I rushed out to B&N and bought that and Grace Interrupted.  I managed to have books 1 through 4 of the White House Chef mysteries  read and Grace Under Pressure started before the launch.  I've only been to one signing/author thing before for Sherrilyn Kenyon, so I didn't know what to expect.  It was this little bookstore crowded with people.  I brought my mother with me and she was nervous because she knew nothing about this author or her books.  It was interesting; I enjoyed hearing the talk, especially the bits about the white house.   Plus, without having to ask for myself, I managed to get a couple questions answered .  I had my newest book signed and got a picture with Julie Hyzy (which I will post to my Facebook account once I get it off my ma's cell).  It was just a fun whirl of a week (and a half).  I look forward to reading more of these series.


  1. How fun! Makes me want to open a FB account just to see. :)

  2. I love the White House Chef series. :) It's become a January tradition for me.

  3. J. Kaye - It was fun, but I still haven't got the picture up.

    Christina - I guess that's what it's going to be for me now that I've caught up on the series...


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