Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Reviews - More discussion on how to improve my blog

I hope you don't mind reading yet another post on this topic, but I'm the type of person that has to pick at my work (work meaning effort - and this blog does take effort) before I'm satisfied. 

Anyway, I've been looking back at my "reviews" and mini-"reviews" and have come to the conclusion that I use some of the same phrases way too much.  Over and over I read: "I enjoyed this" "Another enjoyable read" "I'll have to read more" "I look forward to reading more" etc.  This is on top of reading some of the talk around the blogosphere about reviews all being positive and honesty and trustworthiness, etc. So... 

Can you tell when I like a book or not?  Should I resort to the ranking system I've avoided for so long? Am I believable as a blogger?


  1. Oh God! I'm a picker too. :)

    Honestly, I love your blog the way it is. I also love when you throw in stuff about your personal life. That makes your blog more down-to-earth, if that makes sense.

    As far as trustworthy, the answer is YES! You give a balanced review, even with your mini-reviews. I don't feel a need for a rating system unless it would help you.

  2. I don't use a rating system either. I do on Goodreads, but not on my blog. I definitely love coming across other blogs that just express their opinion and not go by the ratings.

    I'm still new to your blog but I definitely wouldn't change anything. It's awesome the way it is :)

  3. Thanks fo the feedback. I guess I'll keep going like I have been. =)

  4. Well, I just found you today via your comment on my blog. I am a little slow to the book blogs because my quilting blog ties up so much of my time. I only follow a few book blogs. But looking here at the latest few posts, I like how you have it set up. I like to see things done differently.

  5. Thanks... I found doing things the usual way made me feel more pressured than I wanted when I'm blogging for fun.

    I just discovered your blog through your link at Cruisin' thru the Cozies Reading Challenge 2012, so I'll prolly visit more. =)


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