Monday, August 6, 2018

Bird, Bath, and Beyond

Title: Bird, Bath, and Beyond

Author: E. J. Copperman aka Jeffrey Cohen

Publisher: Minotaur

Series: Agent to the Paws Mystery, Bk 2

ISBN: 9781250084293

Length: 304 pages

Obtained: Download from Edelweiss+


This is the second whitelisted Macmillan review title that I've downloaded through Edelweiss+.  I had to read the first book in the series, Dog Dish of Doom before I could read this one (you can find my post for that here).  In general, there is something about E. J. Copperman's characters that really appeals to me.

In this story, Kay is representing a parrot for a popular zombie television series.  She encounters entirely different cops this time, which makes sense considering the murders in both books have taken place in New York.  Kay is again reluctant to be pulled into an investigation, but her client was the only witness.  While the cop this time certainly does NOT ask for her assistance, Kay feels she needs to help and poke around for other reasons.  I don't want to say too much and give anything away, so I'll leave it at that. 

This one's mystery is a bit more convoluted and maybe even a little ridiculous, but I still enjoyed it.  I enjoy the characters, I enjoy the humor, and I especially enjoy the combination that comes out in Kay's narration of the story.

I look forward to whatever the third book may be, and I hope to read some more of E. J. Copperman/Jeff Cohen's other work in the meantime.

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