Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Dreamer's Pool

Title: Dreamer's Pool

Author: Juliet Marillier [Website][Facebook]

Publisher: ROC

Series: Blackthorn & Grim, Bk 1

ISBN: 9780451466990

Length: 434 pages

Obtained: Library copy

Why this book?:

The series title "Blackthorn & Grim" caught my attention when I saw this on Wowbrary... it's the Grim thing.  I had to read the synopsis, and though it obviously was unrelated to anything "Grimm", the concept sounded very intriguing.


This was the second book I read on my trip to the Dominican Republic, and it was a great choice.  Blackthorn and Grim's circumstances in the beginning are horrible, drear, and, quite frankly, hopeless.  But I guess there is always hope, because they end up on a journey that, if finished could bring a new chance at life.

The characters have very strong perspectives, and I always appreciate that in a book.  The character that really stood out to me was Grim.  I really, really liked him.  If felt sorrow for his hurts, and proud when he showed himself off well.  I also liked Blackthorn, but I didn't relate to her all-consuming sense of bitterness and anger.  Perhaps if I walked in her shoes.  But I would guess that I'm more the type to react to troubles in life more like Grim than Blackthorn overall.  I cared least for Oran's perspective, though he seemed like a mostly okay guy.  I was always impatient to get back to Blackthorn or Grim, though.

When it came to Oran's issue, I did suspect what was wrong long before anyone else.  So I simmered with impatience while I waited for Blackthorn and Grim to discover what was wrong.  There is also another mystery in the story that I guessed, somewhat off hand, and then dismissed so it managed to surprise me when it came back up.  And even then I never guessed all the details.

While not the longest ever, this is a book of substance, and I moved relatively quickly through it.  It had its moments of high emotion, and by the end I was crying.  I cannot wait for book 2, Tower of Thorns, expected to be out in late 2015.

Interview with the author can be found here:

Darkstars Fantasy News Interview with Juliet Marillier
in German


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