Saturday, June 19, 2010

Absense and Goals

I read somewhere that a good blogger doesn't apologize. But then, a good blogger posts consistently, etc., and I've already botched that part. Why not take it a step further?

So, I apologize to readers of this blog for the sparse posting. I can't say it'll suddenly pick up again (though I hope it will). I stopped being active in the eHarlequin community June of last year and now with my blog this year. I'm beginning to think I may have the opposite of winter blues (or whatever it's called). Whatever the cause of my blogging/social community problem, it isn't because I'm more active or outdoors more duing the summer... I'm not.

ANYWAY, I have been reading, and hope to post SOME reviews, a list of children's books read, and beginning w/ July, a monthly summary. I'd also like to renew participation w/ some memes. The monday meme, the Tuesday teaser, etc. Oh, and I'd like to post updates on the Historical Mystery Reading Challenge, Hogwarts Reading Challenge (I haven't paid any attention), YA Reading Challenge, Paranormal Reading Challenge, and Local Library Reading Challenge. Not to mention continuing my work with the Challenges page. And of course, I'm hoping to be more active about reading and commenting on other blogs.

Hoping all is well with you...

1 comment:

  1. First of all, HEY!!!! (lol) It's so good to connect with you again. For the first part of the year, I really stayed away from book blogs, book bloggers, etc. I was so afraid I'd go back to it. Now that I am sure I'm completely focused on writing, my fears are gone. I'd never explain this to anyone other than a book blogger. Everyone else would think I was insane...okay, that might be true, but book blogging, at least for me was an addiction.

    I go through what you are experiencing, but in a shorter time frame. No doubt it's the ADD causing that part. I say, don't sweat it, but I also understand the desire to get back into a more consistent schedule. Since that isn't an area I am good at, I wish you the best.

    Second, are you on GoodReads? That's where I mostly get all my book chat fix. If not, then I'll just have to check in here more often. :)

    Anyway, it's soooooo good to see you again! Look forward to catching up. I have missed you!


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