
Sunday, May 24, 2020

2020 and Books πŸ“š It’s Monday! What are you reading? 05/25/2020

Hosted by: Book Date
2020 has been strange, sometimes unbelievable, sometimes trying for so many (if not most or all), and we are only rounding out of in Month 5. I haven’t posted anything yet this year. I had goals and ideas for what this blog would be for me this year and not one has panned out. (Actually, the last Monday post I made was me talking about blogging better.)

When I started the year 2020, I decided my only “resolution“ was that I would cut back on my library loans, so I could get to more of the books on my shelves. Then COVID-19 happened, and I checked out a huge stack of books and borrowed even more digitally, thinking I was going to get so much reading done. That did not happen.

Now I take a break and sit my home library, and I see I need to cut down on at least 200 books to make my shelves less cluttered and more in line with my visions.

I’m not sure how, or if, I can manage this time.  I’ve thinned my collection of books massively in the past 10 years (see Book Hoarding and check out the book hoarding tag to see some of this journey).  I feel especially overwhelmed during everything else that life has thrown toward me. However, if I’m going to manage, I believe the best tool may be this blog. I used to do a regular post called “Cozy Cull”, and perhaps I can reboot something like that.  At the least, maybe recording my reading more regularly might prompt me to read more frequently, as I used to do.

Which brings me to...*Note: This isn’t everything, but we’ll leave it at this for now. The goal is to have NO double stacked books, including paperbacks, and have some space for decorations and slow growth aka new books coming in...

Can you help me? What should I read first? 

Should I start with a cozy, fantasy, or YA?  Or I haven’t re-read the Nora Roberts books in forever, and there are a LOT of them, should I just start parting with them?

I just finished a library book, The Bookwanderers (Pages & Co., Bk 1) by Anna James (Pages & Co., Bk 1).  I have a number of partially started library books (mostly audio, some ebooks) that just keep getting put back on hold and checked out and returned over an over again as well.  These are titles that I've been working on over an extended period, some for years now. I also have that stack mentioned previously, but I'm thinking I might just return those unread (else, I might never make it to my own books).

Also, what are you reading? It’s okay to be an enabler.


  1. I've been trying to downsize my book stash forever. Just did some more this past week. I have definitely needed books tho the past few months - they are a Godsend for sure. Your shelves look great!

    1. I actually didn't get much reading in through the stay-at-home. I think I counted 8 books? 2 print/6 ebooks, and all were library books. Did you manage to downsize any over the last couple months?

      And thanks! I've put a lot of work into getting them where they are, but this last bit has been waiting for at least a year or two, and meanwhile I bring home more books...

  2. Yes sometimes I just get rid of books because I just know I want to read some more than others. Usually though they are ones that I got cheaply. It hurts if i paid a lot of money for it! All the best for your choice of what to read next.

    1. Sorry, I tried to replay yesterday, and it never posted.

      I understand this completely. You've invested in these books, and it difficult to part when you haven't gotten your full use out of them.

  3. Welcome back! Good luck with your bookshelf aims. I did a big cull a year or so ago, but I think I probably need to do more culling!

    1. Thank you!

      I think this is an ongoing project as long as new books come in for many readers. It never ends. =)

  4. I am trying to read books from my TBR mountain. After I finish each one, I decided if it's a keeper or if it can be donated. Right now it is hard to get rid of books I don't want. Short of throwing them in the trash - which I won't do, it is hard to find a way to get books out of my house. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. Yes, donating during a pandemic is a new experience. I work for a library, and we won't accept donations right now. And the longer they items sit in my presence, the more I'm at risk of reconsidering whether I'm ready to part with them.

  5. I had started purging my books a couple of years ago, and had culled around 400 of them, while eliminating actual shelves. Then last year I got sick and had to really downsize my living space, which left me with very few books. I am now building up my one shelf so it looks cozy and like a book lover's space. LOL.

    Good luck on the purging!

    1. I hope you're feeling better now?

      Anyone who can make such large progress is inspiring, regardless of the reason. My big change happened after I moved, again, and I had to dig through the boxes to, maybe, find whatever book I was looking for, since I didn't have shelf space.

      So... as you rebuild, do you need donations? ;) jk

  6. I declutter my bookshelves every couple of months. And in doing so I discover books I had forgotten. Hope you get your reading groove back!

    1. That's an idea. A regular scheduled "weeding". Maybe it would make it easier too.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  7. No ones year has planned out as expected :)
    I’m no help with culling, my shelves are similar to yours, but I’d rather just get more shelves.

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. I've been trying to live a less "cluttered" and "green" life overall (not very successfully), so adding shelves is contrary to the plan (although it sounds lovely, actually).

      Happy reading.

  8. My dining room used to be lined with shelves and all of them were double-stacked. I decided one day to get rid of all of the shelves, so I first went through all the books and donated them to Goodwill, keeping what would fit under one bed. I've never regretted that.


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