
Monday, December 23, 2019

It's Monday! What are you reading? 12/23/2019

Hosted by: Book Date

This has been a long year.  I sometimes feel like each year is longer than the next.  My blogging suffers as a result.  I have at least one book that I wrote about (physically - on paper) back when I read I that I should be posting for the Canadian Book Challenge. Otherwise, I hope to do better in the coming year.

I'm considering joining more challenges in hopes of encouraging me to come back to my love of reading and re-involve myself more in the world of books.  Don't get me wrong, I get and skim through MANY publisher and author emails, and I work in a library.  But I just don't read like I used to, and it makes me sad.

Anyway, if anyone follows me on Goodreads (Jo Book), I'm keeping that most consistently up-to-date.  I very rarely review anything, but at least I mark everything I finish.

So far this month I've been reading some Rebecca Raisin books, some of the Giant Days graphic novel series (for a discussion group), and catching up on some of Jennifer Estep's Elemental Assassin books.

Oh, and I have We Are the Weather: Saving the Planet Begins At Breakfast by Jonathan Safran Foer in my car (on audio disc), but now that the author has gotten to his main point/argument, I'm dragging my feet about finishing the book. Environmentalism/conservation/etc. is exhausting.

I have so many books to catch up on, and the holidays are busy, so I can't say what I'll be reading next.

That being said, Happy Holidays! and Happy Reading! to you.


  1. As you know I will most likely see the year out with a Rebecca Raisin book, which is a bit unusual for me because I only occasionally read cozy mysteries. I am sorry you have lost your mojo for lots of reading but sounds like you are pretty involved with books anyway at work. All the best for 2020, take it easy - "no shoulds"!

    1. Well, I certainly haven't been better about blogging, because I failed to come back and see any responses. Sorry. I wouldn't have defined the Rebecca Raisin books as mysteries, although I suppose there is a light mysterious element to each book. Hmmm. I'll have to think about that.

  2. I hope you recover your reading/blogging mojo in 2020!
    Merry Christmas 🌟

    1. Not yet, but I have March to rejuvenate my reading! I hope!


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