
Saturday, April 10, 2010


I'm going to (try to) participate in the read-a-thon (held @ Dewey's Read-a-Thon ... sign up here) for the first time. I don't know how well I'll do since I'm a newbie. That is, I'm not really sure what I'm doing. I also had several reviews I wanted to complete before participating and that definitely isn't happening. However it ends up working, I'm giving it a go.

I'm in CT, so I think I start at 7am. Not sure I can make myself get up then (I tend to stay up late) so I may be off to a slow start. (And I don't think the full 24 hours is happening bc I need some sleep to make it through Sunday day.)  As for the books I'm hoping to read...

I need to read the LOTR books, and this is the perfect time. For whenever I need a change of pace, I'd like to read Death of a Cozy Writer by G.M. Malliet (but first I'd have to dig it out from where my books are now being stored at my brother's place... not sure if that'll happen), any books I can get to (most are packed) for any of the challenges I'm participating in, and/or any of the library books I still have out. The nephew and niece are going on a day trip w/ my sister, brother-in-law, mother, and brother. If they come by the house afterwards, maybe I'll read with them some too.


  1. This is my first readathon too, and I am not sure about staying up the whole time either. I picked about 10 books, but I will be lucky to read half of those I think!

  2. Hey hey~ This is my first Read-a-Thon too!

    You know, no pressures here. This is all for fun, so just stay up when you can, read when you can, and be happy. ;) Haha, that sounded awfully cheesy, sorry. XP But, I suppose you get my point. XP

    In any case, hope you have a happy reading day~ And, I'll be dropping by every so often, hopefully, to cheer you on. Hang in there, okay? :)


  3. Thanks for all the good wishes!

    At the least I'm learning what I should and/or shouldn't do for the next Read-a-Thon. =)

    And Happy Reading!

  4. This is my second year trying the read-a-thon but last year I had to work! It's such a great concept though! Happy Reading!


  5. My first time too. Next year I need to be organinzed.

  6. Oh I loved LOTR. :)

  7. Way to participate! This is year two for me. You rock just for getting involved. =)

  8. So glad you are participating! There is really nothing to it - read and enjoy.... oh and occasionally add food and water. :)

    Hope you are having a blast!

  9. Have fun! I hope you get some good reading done.

  10. I don't think I will make the whole 24 hours either but I will be happy with whatever I do. Great idea about reading with your niece and nephew. Happy Reading!!

  11. Congratulations on your 1st read-a-thon...may it be a good one for you!

  12. This is my first readathon as well. I definitely won't make it the full 24 hours, and I overslept a bit as well. Good luck with your reading!

  13. I'm also a newbie at this. Hope you enjoy LOTR.

  14. This is my first. I won't be able to stay up the whole time but I am going to try to stay up as long as possible:)
    Have a great reading day!

  15. Hey~ I'm back, just to say:


    You won the Reader of the Hour! Isn't that awesome!?!? XDD

    Haha, well, hope you're doing well on your reading and having a complete blast! XD

    Heehee, now off with me... for now. ;)


  16. This is my first read-a-thon and I'm having a great time!

  17. I won't stay up all night either. This is only my second readathon. It's fun even if you don't make the full 24 hours. Do what you can and just have fun!

  18. This is my first Read-a-thon too. Good luck. I'm shooting for the full 24 hours but I doubt my kids will be too nice to me tomorrow if i do.

  19. Welcome to the Readathon!

    I hope you are having a delightful time.

    Drop by and visit my blog any time. I'm happy I visited yours!

    And, btw, I'm a librarian, too. And I just became a follower!

  20. Hope your 'Thon is going well! Remember to pace yourself - reading is HARD work!

  21. Hey, I'm a first timer too! Looks like you're doing an awesome job so far, but just keep reading!! :D

  22. "A story to me means a plot where there is some surprise. Because that is how life is- full of surprises", by Isaac Bashevis Singer. I hope your day is full of book surprises. Happy Reading!
    Readthon Cheeleader

  23. I have started my second book and am headed outside!

  24. Hope you get to spend some time reading today! It is beautiful here so it is definitely tempting to go outside and garden!

    Happy reading!

  25. Hope you enjoy your LOTR books!

  26. Welcome to the readathon!! It's a blast. Enjoy your nice day of reading! :) :) :)

  27. I hope your enjoying LOTR!

    and I am with you on the sleep thing--24 hours of reading is not going to happen for me!

  28. This is my first read-a-thon as a reader too, and I am making virtually no progress on the reading front! I have been getting a lot of blogging and commenting in though. Hope you're having fun!

  29. How fun to read with family! I wonder if I can get my hubby to read today - but he just got Assassin's Creed 2 - so I bet not!

  30. Reading with kids sounds like it would a nice way to round out your day. I hope that part of your day works out!

  31. First time Readathoner here too! If you run out of attn on the LOTR series, I bet you can find something online to read. It is my understanding that anything goes! Hope you're enjoying your reading! Hugs from NH

  32. This is my first read a thon too. I totally envy you, reading the Lord of the Rings series for the first time? What bliss. I have read them at least 17 times and I listen to them on audio at bedtime a great many nights. Enjoy!!

  33. The reading will stop
    Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow
    your book count will be higher
    Just keep thinking about tomorrow
    all the great books you will have to talk about
    with your blogger friends
    If you get blurred or sore, or sleepy
    Just stick up your chin
    and grin
    and say
    My TO BE READ PILE, Tomorrow
    will be smaller than it was before
    and your spirits will soar
    because then TOMORROW, TOMORROW You can go shopping TOMORROW at Amazon and BUY SOME MORE!

  34. Are you still awake and reading :-)? I know it is hard to stay up for the entire 24 hours! But any reading you get to do is good!

  35. Thanks again for all the well wishes, and I hope you're all having a great time reading.

    I ended up deciding that LOTR isn't really the right type of books for this read-a-thon with my restless mood.

    Reading with the kids was great.

    I did take a couple hour break to check around online btwn about 8-10:30 ish.

    I am reading again. I think I may catch some sleep once I finish this book, then get up early to participate in the last couple hours of the challenge. But who knows.


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