
Monday, January 25, 2010

Lord of the Rings Readalong

I just discovered this Lord of the Rings Readalong, and I am so excited! I've been meaning to read these books for years and have never even started.

Here are the deets:
Starting January 1, 2010, we’ll be reading one book from the series (including The Hobbit) each month with a goal of finishing all four books in April. We’ll be taking turns hosting the readalong, so you can follow our intrepid fellowship of readers around the blogosphere. Here’s where you’ll find us each month:

January: The Hobbit at A Striped Armchair

February: The Fellowship of the Ring at The Literary Omnivore

March: The Two Towers here at Shelf Love

April: The Return of the King at Just Add Books
Because of my late start, I seriosuly doubt I'll finish The Hobbit in January. But I'm looking forward to reading it along w/ the other three books. Plus, I may watch the movies as I read the books.

Here's hoping this is the motivation I needed...


  1. How fun! I always loved these books and own them all yet today.

  2. I bought the last 3 (as a 3-in-1) in 2005, and I've had The Hobbit even longer... if that says anything about how long I've been meaning to get to them.

    I hope I love them as much as you.

  3. Welcome to the readalong! I wouldn't worry too much about finishing The Hobbit before the end of the month. Everyone is very laissez faire, and you are encouraged to go at your own pace!

    But I am pretty sure you will find The Hobbit a very quick read. It kinda swallows you up - and isn't too long!

  4. Glad to have you join this!! I plan to watch the movies as well! :)

    Hope you will read The Hobbit too!

  5. Kay - Thanks! I suspect I'll be quick about reading The Hobbit once I start. Happy to hear it's good enough to swallow me up. =)

    Aths - It's been a while since I've watched the movies so I'm looking forward to it. Especially since I'll finally be able to compare them to the books. And yes, I'll be reading The Hobbit...just a little late.


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