
Monday, January 18, 2010

Bran Hambric: The Farfield Curse

Title: Bran Hambric: The Farfield Curse

Author: Kaleb Nation

Publsiher: Jabberwocky

Copyright Date: 2009

Print Date: September 2009

ISBN: 9781402218576

Pages: 430

Series: 1st in the Bran Hambric series.

Book Description (from dust jacket):

BRAN HAMBRIC WAS FOUND locked in a bank vault at six years old, with no memory of his past. For years, he has lived with one of the bankers, wondering why he was left behind -- until one night, when he is fourteen, he is suddenly confronted by a maddened creature, speaking of Bran’s true past and trying to kidnap him.

Bran finds that he is at the center of a plot which started years before he was even born: the plot of a deadly curse his mother created…and one that her former masters are hunting for him to complete.

Haunted by the spirit of his mother’s master and living in a city where magic is illegal, Bran must undo the crimes of his past...before it is too late.


I first saw a Kaleb Nation vlog in...oh, I'm guessing May. It was entertaining and the book he would have out sounded interesting (if only because Kaleb is so animated). But I didn't really seek the book out. I was at the library with my sister, wandering aimlessly while she checked out the children's videos for the nephew and niece, when I saw the title Bran Hambric. Of course I had to check it out.

Most of what little reading I got in this week was this book. It was a little slow starting (except the prologue) but did pick up some. It reminded me of Matilda, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, etc. That whole not really part of the family thing... That being said, this was interesting and different too (nice bit of contradiction there, no?).

Bran is a 14 yo boy suddenly discovering bits of his past that are so far from anything he might have imagined. And the more he tries to find answers, the more questions he has. It was definitely for a different audience than myself (it's more for the younger side of YA), but it was still nice discovering answers along with Bran. Oh, and of course the gnomes bit was fun.

I don't know when the second Bran Hambric book (Bran Hambric: The Specter Key) will be out, but I am interested in reading it whenever the time comes.


  1. excellent review!!

    im thinking of reading this :)

  2. Thanks.

    If you decide to read it, I hope you like/love it. I've seen mixed reviews... It seems most people "love it" or "hate it" (of course, being me, my feelings are more in between).


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