
Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Bounty

I never expected it. Now that we're all adults (my youngest sib is married w/ kids of her own), my parents are supposed to be cutting way down on the Christmas gift thing. So I was shocked (and thrilled) to get a Sony Reader from my parents for Christmas!  I don't know how they managed it money-wise, but I'm so glad they did.
I can start reading e-books (do you know how hard it is to read one of those things on the computer? I managed once and only once). And I might end up posting a review or two for them...


  1. I got an Sony Reader too! Yay!

    FYI you can get some free ebooks in the sony store by clicking bargain books, typically the free books show up on the top. Right now Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment by James Patterson is being offered for free in ebook form.

  2. April - Yeay! And thanks for the heads up... I'll be checking that out.

    Fiona - =( I thought there was no way I was getting a Reader before 2011 - at the earliest. Maybe you will get one soon, too...

  3. Hi,
    Just found your blog see we like similar books. My partner bought me one for last Christmas and I love it as it actually feels like a book when you are reading it (if that makes sense) I have found there are hundreds of sites which download ebooks for free.



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