
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tuesday (7/28) Teaser

Hosted by: MizB (@
  • Grab your current read.
  • Let the book fall to a random page.
  • Share two (2) "teaser" sentences from that page, somewhere between lines 7 and 12.
  • Share the title of the book that you're getting your teaser from... That way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you've given!
  • Please avoid spoilers!
This is from a re-read, but I'm working my way to the books I haven't read yet... It is, obviously, more than 2 sentences, but that was necessary.
She blinked. "I lost a finger. Well, I didn't actually lose it. It was on the kitchen counter. I took it to the hospital and got it sewed back on."
From p. 23 of Four to Score by Janet Evanovich.


  1. Eww! Lots of teasers from this series this week -- I may have to give these books a try!

  2. In general, I really enjoy these books. Lots of humor. Interesting mysteries. They do have quite a lot of strong language, which I'm not a fan of but can usually ignore.


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