
Sunday, April 19, 2009

Escape in Books

I've seen this discussed around quite a bit now, so it may be an *old* topic; however, I want to *say* my bit anyway...

There have been news articles and videos about the recession and the alleged impact on book sales — particularly the romance genre and Harlequin. It has been mentioned how this increase in sales may be due to the fantasy/happy ending/etc. aspect.

This is all extremely relevant to my blog because that is what my reading/blogging is all about... escaping the negatives of reality. Hence, Books to the Rescue. This negative reality includes money issues (namely — unemployed, broke, and school loans to repay). It also includes some personal issues I'm dealing with (depression and a serious case of self-hate). Books are my escape from that. Blogging, reading blogs and reviews (and commenting) about books and book related subjects — even book trading and games (Paperbackswap, anyone?) — are all extensions of that escape. And it's not just the happy ending (though I look for that, too). For me, it's just living (through reading) a life that's not mine...that never will be mine.

Anyway, if you missed the articles and videos I'm referring to here are some... some positive, some condescending, and some a mixture...

Recession Fuels Readers' Escapist Urges (New York Times)
The recession heats up romance novels (Los Angeles Times) (The Today Show / MSNBC)
Love Story: Romance Novel Continues to Sell in Down Economy (Includes Video) (ABC / Nightline)
NPR: Finding An Escape In Romance? (NPR: National Public Radio)
Loving the economy: Romance novels, dating services see spike in sales (KARE)


  1. And the Kindles are flying off the shelf. I think the ones who are doing bad aren't prepared and were over-spending. I do as I've always done. I use my library and watch for sales. All online bookstores & many publishers have them.

  2. Libraries and sales... great ways of keeping up the reading addiction in hard financial times. =)

    I haven't quite hopped on the ebook bandwagon yet, but I can see where that helps increase profits.


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